- Universität Hamburg - Fachbereich Biologie - Biozentrum Klein Flottbek - Rolf Bergmann

Biochemie zum Ansehen:


Highlights of biochemistry:

Biochemie zum Ansehen > Seitenstruktur     
Highlights of Biochemistry > Sitemap     
Nucleinsäure +  
Phenylalanin-tRNA +     |  
|     |  
|     |  
Holliday-Strukturen und verwandte Enzyme +     |  
Homologe Hollidaystruktur +     |     |  
DNA + RuvA +     |     |  
RuvB Aaa-ATPase +     |     |  
RuvC Resolvase +     |     |  
DNA - Komplex mit Hoechst 33258 +     |  
DNA - Komplex mit Netropsin +     |  
Protein-DNA - Wechselwirkung +  
DNA-biegende Proteine - Integration host factor +     |  
TATA-Box-Bindeproteine +     |  
|     |  
RecBCD: Reparatur von DNA-Strangbrüchen +     |  
Metabolismus +  
Ribulose-1,5-bisphosphat Carboxylase (Rubisco) +     |  
Struktur des Enzyms +     |     |  
Reaktionsmechanismus +     |     |  
Nitritreduktion +     |  
Nitritreduktase aus Achromobacter cycloclastes +     |     |  
Nitritreduktase aus Pseudomonas aeruginosa +     |     |  
Stickstoffmonoxidreduktase aus Fusarium oxysporum +     |     |  
Hydroxylamin-Oxidoreduktase +     |  
Proteasen +  
Proteasomen +     |  
Reaktionsmechanismus der Proteolyse durch Elastase +     |  
Poliovirus-Protease +     |  
Antibiotica und verwandte Enzyme +  
Chloramphenicol Acetyltransferase +     |  
Ganciclovir in DNA +     |  
Netropsin - Komplex mit DNA +     |  
Actinomycin D +     |  
im Komplex mit GAAGCTTC +     |     |  
im Komplex mit AAGCGCTT +     |     |  
im Komplex mit CGATCGATCG +     |     |  
Penicillin und D-Alanyl-D-alanin +     |  
Hyperforin +     |  
Platensimycin +     |  
Photochemie +  
Photosynthese in Purpurbakterien +     |  
Licht erntender Komplex +     |     |  
Reaktionszentrum +     |     |  
Bacteriorhodopsin aus Halobacterium halobium +     |  
|     |  
Luciferase aus Vibrio harveyi +     |  
Neurologie +  
Glutamat-Rezeptoren +     |  
Ionotroper Glutamatrezeptor +     |     |  
Metabotroper Glutamatrezeptor +     |     |  
IPA bremst Nerventod +     |  
Virologie +  
Ikosaedrische Viren +     |  
Symmetriebeziehungen in ikosaedrischen Capsiden +     |     |  
Struktur der viralen Proteine und ihre Wechselwirkungen in Poliovirus +     |     |  
Leere Capside und Spaltung von VP0 +     |     |  
Wechselwirkung von Poliovirus mit seinem Rezeptor +     |     |  
Virale Protease +     |     |  
Poliovirus RNA-Polymerase +     |     |  
Zellwanddurchlöcherndes Werkzeug des Phagen T4 +     |  
Tabakmosaikvirus +     |  
Zucker & Co. +  
|     |  
Zuckeraufnahme durch Porine +     |  
Maltose-Bindeprotein aus Escherichia coli +     |  
|     |  
|     |  
Concanavalin A aus Canavalia ensiformis +     |  
Poren - Kanäle - Transport +  
Porine +     |  
Toxine +     |  
Colicin Ia +     |     |  
Hämolysin +     |     |  
Diphtherietoxin +     |     |  
Choleratoxin +     |     |  
Ionenkanäle +     |  
Kaliumkanal +     |     |  
Mechanosensitiver Kanal +     |     |  
Transportproteine +     |  
Ionentransport +           |  
FhuA  +      |           |  
Maltose-Bindeprotein +           |  
Quecksilber-Bindeprotein +           |  
PTS +           |  
 |           |  
Bacteriorhodopsin +           |  
Verschiedenes +  
Luciferase aus Vibrio harveyi +     |  
Lysozym aus Hühnereiweiß +     |  
Alliinase aus Knoblauch +     |  
Molecules in the news +  
Hyperforin +        
 |     |        
Aktivierung des Pregnan X Rezeptors +     |        
IPA bremst Nerventod +        
  + Nucleic acid
  |     + Phenylalanine tRNA
  |     + Nucleic Acid Basepair Geometry Nomenclature
  |     |     + TATA-box-binding protein + cognate DNA
  |     + Holliday structures and related enzymes
  |     |     + homologous 4w-junction
  |     |     + 4wj + RuvA
  |     |     + RuvB Aaa-ATPase
  |     |     + RuvC resolvase
  |     + DNA - complex with Hoechst 33258
  |     + DNA - complex with netropsin
  + Protein-DNA - interaction
  |     + DNA-bending proteins - Integration host factor
  |     + TATA-box-binding proteins
  |     + Tn5 synaptic complex transposition intermediate
  |     + RecBCD: processing of DNA breaks
  + Metabolism
  |     + Ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase (Rubisco)
  |     |     + structure of the enzyme
  |     |     + reaction mechanism
  |     + Nitrite reduction
  |     |     + Nitrite reductase from Achromobacter cycloclastes
  |     |     + Nitrite reductase from Pseudomonas aeruginosa
  |     |     + Nitrogen monoxide reductase from Fusarium oxysporum
  |     + Hydroxylamine oxidoreductase
  + Proteases
  |     + Proteasomes
  |     + Reaction intermediates in proteolysis by elastase
  |     + Poliovirus protease
  + Antibiotics and related enzymes
  |     + Chloramphenicol acetyl transferase
  |     + Ganciclovir in DNA
  |     + Netropsin - complex with DNA
  |     + Actinomycin D
  |     |     + in complex with GAAGCTTC
  |     |     + in complex with AAGCGCTT
  |     |     + in complex with CGATCGATCG
  |     |
  |     + Hyperforin
  |     + Platensimycin
  + Photochemistry
  |     + Photosynthetis in purple bacteria
  |     |     + light harvesting complex
  |     |     + reaction center
  |     + Bacteriorhodopsin from Halobacterium halobium
  |     + Biochemical light emission - bioluminescence
  |           + Luciferase from Vibrio harveyi
  |           + Aequorin from Aequora aequora
  |           + Green fluorescent protein from Aequora victoria
  |           + Red fluorescent protein from a coral
  + Neurology
  |     + Glutamate receptors
  |     |     + Ionotropic Glutamate Receptor
  |     |     + Metabotropic Glutamate Receptor
  |     + IPA prevents nerve death
  + Virology
  |     + Icosahedral viruses
  |     |     + Symmetry relationships in capsids of icosahedral viruses
  |     |     + Structure of viral proteins and their interactions in poliovirus
  |     |     + Empty capsids and cleavage of VP0
  |     |     + Poliovirus and cellular receptor
  |     |     + Poliovirus protease
  |     |     + Poliovirus RNA polymerase
  |     + Phage T4 cell-puncturing device
  |     + Tobacco mosaic virus
  + Sugar & Co.
  |     + sugar transport
  |     |      + Sugar uptake by porins
  |     |      + Maltose binding protein fom Escherichia coli
  |     + lectins
  |            + fucose-binding lectin from Ralstonia solanacearum
  |            + Concanavalin A from Canavalia ensiformis
  + Pores - channels - transport
  |     + Porins
  |     + Toxins
  |     |     + Colicin Ia
  |     |     + Hemolysin
  |     |     + Diphtheria toxin
  |     |     + Cholera toxin
  |     + Ion channels
  |     |     + Potassium channel
  |     |     + Mechanosensitive channel
  |     + Transport proteins
  |           + Ion transport
  |           |     + FhuA
  |           + Maltose binding protein
  |           + Mercury binding protein
  |           + PTS
  |           + Archaeal rhodopsins
  |                 + Bacteriorhodopsin
  |                 + Halorhodopsin
  |                 + Ion pumping mechanism
  + Miscellaneous
  |     + Luciferase from Vibrio harveyi
  |     + Lysozyme from hen egg white
  |     + Garlic biochemistry: alliinase
  + Molecules in the news
        + anthrax toxin
        |      + free anthrax protective antigen
        |      + receptor bound anthrax protective antigen
        |      + anthrax prepore
        |      + anthrax pore model
        |      + anthrax lethal factor
        |      + anthrax oedema factor
        + Insulin mimetic L-783,281
        + Jasmonate
        + Hyperforin
        |      + Antibiotic from St. John's wort
        |      + Activation of pregnane X receptor
        + Platensimycin
        |      + Antibiotic from Streptomyces platensis
        |      + Inhibition of fatty acid synthesis
        + More shelf life for fruits and flowers
        + Chemotherapy of malaria
        + Herbicides against toxoplasmosis
        + IPA prevents nerve death

Inhaltsverzeichnis - Index     -----     Table of contents - Index

   Impress  /  18-10-2006  /  R. Bergmann  /  http://www.papanatur.de/smap.htm