- University of Hamburg - Department of Biology - Biocenter Klein Flottbek
Highlights of biochemistry:
molecular structures made visible
Coenzyme A
Highlights of Biochemistry     german   


Chime and Browsers

The current version of the plugin Chime (2.6 SP 6) is available for wintel-computers. It will install automatically into Netscape 4.x and Internetexplorer6. The scripts in this project will work fine with both combinations of software.
The installation program of Chime will not recognize Netscape6+, Mozilla and other Gecko-based browsers. Nevertheless Chime will work, if you copy the plugin-files (chime.html, chime26.isu, npchime.dll, NPCHIME.ZIP) from a Netscape 4.x-installation (even those from IE will do) into the plugin-directories of the browsers. In the textframes of the scripts linebrakes may differ from Netscape 4, but all buttons will function as usual. Alternatively you may try a Fake Installation of Netscape 4.x.
The newest Gecko browsers won't read large structure files correctly (but it will work locally: Download all scripts (35 MB self extracting file)).
Chime 2.6 SP 7 will work with InternetExplorer 7 (and as I tried, only there).
You may obtain Netscape 4.8 from an Netscape archive. Installation hints for other computer systems are given by Eric Martz.

If molecular models are clipped at the top on wide screens (16:10 aspect ratio) please resize the browser window to 4:3.

Update 2015: Chime installation files are no longer found on the net. For browsers like Firefox 33 copying the files to the plugin-directory won't work (version 12 was ok). So get Netscape Communicator and use the download of all scripts above to work locally.

   Impress  /  26-6-2008  /  Rolf Bergmann  /  http://www.papanatur.de/browsere.htm     english